Kuorosota 2011 / 3rd Live Show – 18.11.2011

Hämeenkyrö’s choir as a lot of heart!
Hämeenkyrö’s choir leader Jussi took his choir-members to play dodge ball with the Sydänlapset-kids. The conductor chose Uniklubi’s song Tunnit for this week’s performance because in Jussi’s opinion, the song didn’t get enough attention so far. Heikki prepared a wonderful heart-shaped cake for the whole group.
[Note: the charity organisation is called „Heart Children“ in English, but I chose to stick to the original name, „Sydänlapset“. Whenever they talk about the children *in* the organisation, I’ll just refer to them as the Sydänlapset-kids. You can find out about Sydänlapset in English here]
Watch the video HERE.

Jussi [to his choir]: Welcome everybody! Over here are our Sydänlapset-kids, our charity organisation, and I thought it would be nice if we could spend some time together and play some dodge ball together!
Some people in the choir: YES!
Jussi: Thank you again for the last show, you did a great job!
Choir: thank you!
[Everyone’s clapping]

Jussi: It was fun to spend the day with the kids in our charity organisation. We formed some sort of symbiosis: they support us and we support them.
[During the game] Now I was hit!
Maarit Lepistö [mother of a Heart Child]: This is really incredible. You can tell that [the choir] is really doing this with their hearts. We’re really happy about this.
[Choir is singing Hetken tie on kevyt]
Maybe one could say that Jussi bought [this?] to our children.
[Choir is singing Tunnit]
Jussi: Uniklubi’s Tunnit… I chose the song because … it was released in 2004 as a B-site for our single Rakkautta ja Piikkilankaa and it’s not on any record. It feels like it’s such a beautiful song which, however, somehow passed into oblivion.
Johanna Vihma-Kyyrönen [music teacher]: In school, the young people always ask ‚why won’t we sing this song or that one – we don’t know the one you chose!‘ – But maybe that’s exactly the point. Not knowing the song.
Jussi: We don’t want to start from a point that’s at a low level.
Heikki [Ihanamäki] and Johannes [Raitijoki]: – It’s nice to have more new singers for the songs. Their sound is different – Heikki is more of a pop-singer and Johannes is more of an ‚iskelmä‘-singer, judging by how their voice sounds. It fits really well.

Johannes: Okay, now, welcome to the Heart of Hämeenkyrö. I’m here together with Heikki and we’re here in order to play not just basic cricket, but extreme cricket!
There’s a really good trust and understanding and so on between us [when it comes to singing] and of course Jussi gave us lots of hints how to sing the song, but it’s also important to take your own approach to a song as calm as tender.

Heikki: I’m Heikki; I’m 30 years old and a singer and schooling planner.
Baking and cooking is one of my most important hobbies, for example I made our own wedding cake when I got married – it was fun to build it.
Our charity Organisation Sydänlapset is important to me because my wife and her family can be counted in to that exact same group.
[Meanwhile: I’m making a cake for the war-company and the Sydänlapset-kids!]
I think supporting the charity is incredibly important especially when thinking about kids and adolescents who are all over the place when it comes to themselves and their self-esteem anyway due to their age – now when added to that you have such a hard disease it’s important to know that you’re not alone with it, but that there are other people who have to go through the same everyday life with a heart disease as you have to, and that you can in fact live with it. It’s really important!
[With the Sydänlapset-kids: I made a cake for everyone, it’s over there on the table.]
I’m sure Hämeenkyrö will get to the finale. We’re a great choir, an incredibly great group, we have a wonderful conductor and we have an amazing charity group. We really want to get to the finale and we hope that with this song we’re getting one step closer to that goal.

Originally on: Nelonen Finland
Airing date: 18.11.2011
Video reference: nelonen.fi- Kuorosota [uploaded 18.11.2011 / 10:50]

Neljän tähden illallinen 1/4 – Johanna’s Dinner

In the beginning preview the concept of the show is explained – there are four participants and all of them serve a dinner for the others, the goal is to find out whose dinner is the best. At the end of each dinner-night, the other participants give points for the dinner itself and for the atmosphere during the night. There also is a professional chef who gives comments about the participants‘ cooking abilities.

In PART I, Johanna Debreczeni serves the dinner. She’s a schlager-artist from Tampere who also won Tango-competitions and had a part in the musical Grease. She explains that she actually likes to experiment in the kitchen but that mostly she ends up in a hurry and basically just puts pasta in a pot. 
Her guests are going to be Jussi, the singer Pentti Hietanen and hair artist/stylist Gekko Paavilainen. Their first task is to guess what Johanna is going to make for dinner – starter, dinner and dessert. Gekko – explaining that he actually doesn’t really eat anything at all, no meat, fish, chicken, fruit, vegetables – guesses she’ll just make a basic salad for starters.
Jussi: Actually I had a look at Johanna’s website and found out what she likes – water, cider, juice. So I guess she’ll have water for starters, cider as main dish and juice as dessert. No, I guess there’ll be some basic salad in the beginning.

Pentti agrees when it comes to the salad and he thinks there might be some bread, too.
Indeed, Johanna is going to make Hungarian salad.
For main dish, Jussi guesses chicken and rice, Pentti thinks there might be lamb and Gekko wonders whether there will be something with cheese, like pasta or any of the sorts. 
Johanna’s main dish will be pepper chicken and so called „mykyjä“, which are essentially dumplings. Gekko thinks „mykyjä“ sounds scary.

Jussi: I have no idea what „mykys“ could be. Or „mykies“… – Well, today we’ll find out! [Note: he uses two different plurals, hence the different spelling]
Presenter: What about the dessert? Any ideas about that?
Jussi: For dessert there’ll be … apple pie.

Gekko guesses coffee and pulla and Pentti thinks there’s going to be something creamy or something with berries. Johanna is going to make „Gundelin letut“, i.e. pancakes à la Gundel.
Jussi thinks that sounds great, and then we see Johanna walking down Hämeenkatu -street in Tampere, buying her groceries at Sokos‘. At first she points out that she wrote „oranage“ instead of „orange“ and they joke around how it could be Hungarian, though she tries to pronounce it in English. 
One of the most important culinary things to know about Tampere is „mustamakkara“, i.e. blood sausage. Johanna explains that blood sausage from Tampere is so good that she gets cravings when she’s too long away from home. As a result, she does not only order four chicken breast filets for the dinner, but also a mustamakkara for herself. Then she’s ready to go home – after having paid of course, the presenter notes, but more importantly, she has to do something against her mustamakkara-cravings and takes a bite of her sausage! 

She’s serving her dinner in Kehrasaari (which is a part of Tampere). There’s a location with a kitchen, lots of space to serve dinner but also a sauna. She shows the kitchen and jokingly points out that the kitchen is open to the dining area so that she can eavesdrop on the guests in case they have something bad to say about her. 

After that she starts cooking. First of all she prepares the mysterious „mykyt“, explaining that they’re special flour-balls. Dumplings, essentially. All she has to do is mix one egg, wheat flour, salt and water. After that she prepares the pancakes because the flour and everything she needs is on the tray anyways. The song she starts singing is Popeda’s Matkalla Alabamaan [Note: „On the Road to Alabama“]
She explains that her paprika-spice is straight from Budapest and is very special in taste and scent.

The professional chef Henrik Rehbinder praises Johanna for doing everything right. Meanwhile, Johanna gets nervous about her dinner as there’s still so much to prepare. She finally makes her mykky-dumplings, explaining that they rise in the boiling water as soon as they’re ready. She points out that they taste of flour-dough – which is what they’re made of.

While Johanna is preparing her dinner, Jussi, Gekko and Pentti are on the car to Kehrasaari, where dinner will be served. They’re drinking Champaign and Gekko asks whether Pentti ever delivered letters when he was younger, but Pentti doesn’t remember to ever have been a postman. They’re all laughing about the question, but Gekko explains that he heard some sort of urban legend about Pentti delivering letters in Nokia, singing all the time during his work shift, and that apparently was how the discovered his musical talent. Pentti is amused, but denies.

The guests arrive at the location, Johanna says hi to them all and there’s a preview of how the dinner goes on, including Gekko being incredibly curious about the pancakes and Johanna protesting. This is where the first video ends.

After the advertisements, Johanna is introduced as schlager-singer again, and she’ll be serving Hungarian food on her dinner-evening. The presenter says the dinner can begin now. The guests come and she greets them enthusiastically, after that they sit at a table and Gekko says that they heard about the sauna in the place and wondered whether they’ll be having a sauna evening after dinner. Johanna admits that she did think about the sauna, telling her guests „okay boys, get undressed“ and everyone laughs about it. 
The presenter leads away from the plans that might cause a bit of a stir – to the dinner table, where it is time to serve the starter: Hungarian salad.

Johanna: You can honestly take the bread with your hands, there’s no need to slow everything down by using the cutlery.
Gekko [sorting the herbs]: Do you mind if I put this away? I’m so terrible!
Johanna: Sure. I’ve worried about this all day. Are you really such a nit-picker when it comes to food?
Gekko: Yes… I taste everything, but if I don’t finish it, don’t take it personally.
Johanna: No, you don’t have to. It’s great if you taste everything.
Gekko [tastes his bread]: Oh, the spread is really good!
Pentti: Nice with the garlic and all!
Presenter: How does Jussi like the food?
Jussi: It’s always good to have a salad. What I liked was that the cucumbers were salty; it brings out the taste better!
Gekko: I just tasted the cucumber.
Jussi: It’s good.
Gekko: It’s actually so good that I have to eat it.
Johanna: Whoohoo!! Mission accomplished!
Gekko: How do you get a fresh cucumber that salty?
Johanna: …you put salt on it.

Everybody laughs. Gekko explains that he wondered how fresh cucumbers get such a salty taste even though they’re not bottled cucumbers. 
Meanwhile, Johanna heats the dumplings again. She’s happy about Gekko liking her spread, but explains that she’s a little excited about how her guests will like the mykky-dumplings.
When she serves the main dish, Gekko wonders what the mykky-dumplings actually are, and she explains that they’re a little bit like macaroni, but they’re made of wheat flour, egg and water. Looking at his plate, Gekko also wonders how to distinguish the dumplings from the chicken ad Johanna tells him to guess.
Johanna: I want to know whether Jussi just ate chicken or a dumpling.
Jussi: A dumpling. It tastes a little bit like pancake.

Pentti isn’t sure what to think about the dumplings, but Gekko says that it’s really, really good when you take a tiny piece of chicken and a slightly bigger piece of dumpling and then eat it together. 
Johanna: Well, Gekko?!
Gekko: Oh, this is like the third piece of chicken I’m eating!
Johanna: Have you dared to taste the dumplings?
Gekko: I have! They’re good! …Help, that’s chicken as well! I need more of the dumplings!
Johanna [laughs]: …“Help, that’s chicken“
Gekko: No, honestly, I haven’t had chicken for years, but if you eat tiny pieces of it together with the dumplings, it’s really good!
Pentti suggests to toast their host and they all say the Swedish „Skål“ instead of the Finnish „kippis“ for „cheers“.
Gekko: Everywhere else when you give a toast you’re told to look straight into other people’s eyes when you do so. It’s more important to look at each other than to make the glasses touch.
Pentti: That’s true.
Johanna: However, if you don’t look into the others‘ eyes while toasting, it gives you bad sex for the next seven years.
Jussi: Oh, dammit. Gekko I think I didn’t look into your eyes!!
Gekko: We totally have to do this again now!
– They do, exaggeratingly looking into each others‘ eyes now.

After the main dish, Johanna explains that this is of course a Hungarian dinner, so there has to be music as well. She introduces two musicians from Tampere, Seppo Suikkunen and Vesa Penttilä.
Pentti is excited to see them because he knows that their performances are brilliant and he likes them very much. They invite him to sing with them, which he does after a little protesting.
Jussi: Pentti’s singing was amazing, ex-tempore and everything. If they had asked me to do this spontaneously I would have never been able to sing it!
Gekko: It was brilliant, it was like it was planned magically!!!

Johanna is really happy about the outcome of the performance and finishes preparing her pancakes with whipped cream from the tin, much to the disapproval of professional chef Henrik Rehbinder. He says whipped cream always had to be self-made, just like the rest of the dinner.
When Johanna serves her „Gundel’s pancakes“ she reveals that Gundel is a Hungarian chef and the pancakes and their filling are based on his recipe. 
After claiming the filling is a secret, she gives in and explains that it’s made of cream, walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and, to everyone’s excitement, rum.
Even though Johanna explains that they’re supposed to be eaten when they’re closed, Gekko wants to explore what the filling looks like, and Johanna protests. Whatever the filling looks like, Gekko loves the dessert.

Jussi: The dessert … actually I don’t like nuts too much, nor do I like raisins…

Johanna has to admit that she didn’t make her whipped cream by herself. The presenter announces that the recipes can be found online, and then the guests have to give their points.
Gekko gives 3 points for the dinner. He explains that he tasted and ate everything and that the dessert was really good.
Pentti criticises the not self-made whipped cream and gives four points instead of five for that.
Jussi: The starter was perfect. The main dish was…
Presenter: perfect?
Jussi: …as good as perfect. The dessert wasn’t really my taste, so … 4 points for Johanna from me.

Gekko thought the atmosphere was nice and he loved the music, and gives 5 points for the atmosphere.Jussi even gives 6 points because he felt good and is in a great mood after the dinner. Pentti is also really excited about the outcome of the evening and also gives six points.
All in all, with 11 points for the dinner and 17 for the atmosphere, Johanna gets a total of 28 points.

The preview announces that the next dinner-night is Jussi’s, and that he’s going to serve spicy rock star -food.

Originally on: Nelonen Finland – Neljän tähden illallinen
Airing Date: 12.09.2011

Neljän tähden illallinen – 2/4 Jussi’s Dinner

[This time, the show starts right ahead, without any explanations. As this is Jussi’s turn, I decided to translate as closely as possible instead of just writing translated summaries. Which means, however, that this one is even longer than the first one.]

Jussi: Hello!
Presenter: Hi!
Jussi: Welcome to Jack the Rooster. Come in!

Presenter: Tonight’s host is Uniklubi’s singer Jussi Selo. Multi-talented Jussi writes the lyrics for the band but can also play the saxophone, so this guy has to be a good chef, right?
Jussi: I like cooking, at least whenever it’s possible at home. On tour we usually get to eat badly, like pizza, burgers or sandwiches, so…
[The presenter says that Jussi gets the chance to cook something real and introduces the guests again. Like before, the guests get to guess tonight’s menu.]
Gekko: Jussi is some sort of Mystery guy.
Presenter: Mystical!
Gekko: It could be some sort of … soup.
Presenter: Why not?
Pentti: I don’t think there’s going to be salad.
Presenter: You don’t think so?
Johanna: Just salad. Maybe there’ll be some…
Presenter: some…?
Johanna: something on it, like …
Presenter: Speak, woman!
Johanna: There could be croutons in it and something like that. Salad.
Presenter: Jussi’s starter is a fruity salad and cheese – that includes a surprise! – Yep, he makes a salad!
Johanna: Does he really?
Presenter: Yes he does!
Johanna: Yaay!

Presenter: And the main dish, then?
Johanna: Could it be burgers? He’ll fry some…
Presenter: …meat…
Johanna: …Meat and then altogether it will be some…
Presenter: Burger.
Johanna: Burger.
Presenter: Exactly.
Gekko: It could be anything, meatballs and mashed potatoes, sausage sauce or whatever but I … I’d bet he’ll cook some sort of chilli con carne.
Presenter: The main dish is going to be the mother and father of all common dishes. There’s going to be macaroni casserole!! [Note: at this point I would like to add that this shouldn’t be any surprise to everyone who still remembers the Syvään Valoon promo and Jussi’s promise to cook macaroni casserole for everyone in case the record would sell platinum!]
Pentti: Alright!
Gekko: Totally awesome! Yes! Really good!
Presenter: Great choice for a free dinner?
Gekko: Absolutely! I can’t wait! I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!

Jussi: Actually it’s going to be a little more spicy than usual.

Presenter: And the guesses for dessert!
Gekko: Maybe some sort of fruit salad.
Pentti: I have to think about that in peace for a moment … well, what could it be…?
Presenter: This is so exciting!
Pentti: I’d say there’ll be coffee and ice-cream!
Presenter: No, there’s going to be chilli- mousse-au-chocolat!
Johanna: Really?
Presenter: I’m always honest!
Johanna: Instant mousse! Definitely. We’ll find out about that!
Presenter: Absolutely!
Pentti: It’s edible, but…
Presenter: The famous ‚but‘!
Pentti: …doesn’t belong to my favourites.

[After that, Jussi is off to buy his groceries. He does so at Stockmann’s, again on Tampere’s Hämeenkatu -street.]
Presenter: You probably have the most common main dish in our history.
Jussi: Macaroni casserole is just so damn good. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like it.
Presenter: Isn’t it a little too common?
Jussi: It’s not so common because I add a little more spices.
Presenter: And where do those mysterious spices come from?
Jussi: I’ll be getting those delivered. Some special sauces. You have to be careful with spicing with those.
Presenter: He’ll get it delivered! Aha! What does the rock star have in mind now?
Jussi: I’ll have to get some beer … or cider.
Presenter: Of course, the drinks!
Jussi: Johanna drinks cider, Gekko drinks beer, Pentti drinks beer… Do you see any Corona or Solli? [Note: Corona and Sol are brands of Mexican beer, not Finnish, as I assumed. Thanks for the heads up!]
Presenter: I don’t drink during working hours.
Jussi: Ah, there it is! [takes two bottles and hesitates for a moment]
Presenter: You surely dare to take all of them, do you? [He does, of course]
Presenter: Where now?
Jussi: I still need cheese, baguettes and pasta. – The dark macaroni are really good.

Presenter: We’re done shopping and now off to the cooking! Jussi, hey! You don’t really have time for postcards right now!
Jussi: I’ll get my spices for the casserole.
Presenter: The spices!
Jussi: Yes, from my special deliverer.
Presenter: Ah, that one again.

[Jussi receives his parcel and asks for scissors so that he can open the parcel in order to find other whether he got what he ordered.]

Presenter: In front of everyone now!?
Jussi: [opening the box] Tadaa!! Here we have salsa sauce!
Presenter: Olé!
Jussi: Let’s go then! [leaves the post-office]

Presenter: Yep, let’s go! And where will the dinner be served?
Jussi: We’re at Jack the Rooster’s, it’s a great restaurant, it’s nice to be here, to drink, eat, and have a good time.
– This is where we’ll going to eat today!
Presenter: Ahaa!
Jussi: This is where you find the kitchen. I can check out what the guests are doing through here!
Presenter: Observing people is a good hobby!

Jussi: [showing the kitchen] And here it is!
Presenter: Ah! Are you familiar with the kitchen?
Jussi: I’m not, but I’m familiar with the food they make here. A friend of mine works here so if there’s something I can’t find or don’t know how to do, he can help me out.

Presenter: Time for cooking!! What do you start with?
Jussi: With the dessert. Here’s this … chocolate mousse.

[This is where the professional chef comes in again.]
Henrik Rehbinder: One moment! What’s in the box!
Presenter: Probably an indication of quality!
Henrik: Aha! Now Jussi stars from a really low standard. Actually, there’s no standard at all.

[Apparently Jussi doesn’t know what to do with the instant mousse.]
Jussi: Uhm, is that guy…
Presenter: Who?
Jussi: My friend, is he outside? Could you ask that guy…
Presenter: Who exactly?
Jussi: Well that … man… guy… he’s tall… Lankinen!!
Presenter: Just throw it away! – Ah. There he is!
[Jussi asks what he has to do and how. Apparently, he couldn’t find the instructions, but Lankinen helps him.]
Jussi: Now of course we have to do this right… [puts in alcohol]
Presenter: yes of course, always… – That wasn’t too much?
Jussi: Definitely not. This is going to be good!
Jussi [tastes the mousse]: Surprisingly good.
Presenter: Is it?
Jussi: Maybe we should add a little more alcohol.
Presenter: Still more!?
Jussi: Oops. Now I hope it wasn’t too much.
Presenter: Let’s hope so!
Jussi: I bet there’ll be comments about this… who’s this … hero who always makes comments… what’s this guy’s name again?
Henrik Rehbinder: Yes, the hero makes comments. You won’t make a bad instant mousse any better by adding too much alcohol!

Presenter: So, it wasn’t too much after all?
Jussi: No, I don’t think so.
Presenter: Hey,  give me some of it!
Jussi: Do you want to taste? There you go.
Presenter: Really now, during working ours?
Jussi: Do you like it?
Presenter: Oh, I like Bacardi!
Jussi: Does it taste like Bacardi!? You just looked completely disbelieving. Like … „O_o“

[While putting the mousse into glasses, Jussi smears chocolate everywhere, commenting: „The second one worked really well“ and „They’ll all look a little different.“
The presenter jokes about the hygiene and Jussi offers a high-five with a very chocolaty hand – which is politely denied.] 

Presenter: Did you put the casserole in the oven yet?
Jussi: It’s enough to put it in the oven at around five when the guests come at six.

[Jussi explains a few things and the commentary goes on about how interesting and unique the mousse tastes, so Jussi seems content. He’s happy that the mousse is good and encourages them to take more. Then he starts preparing the salad.]

Jussi: It’s like a salad-massage!
Presenter: Does it feel good?
Jussi: It does! I could do this for hours.
Presenter: Not today, though!

[When Jussi starts with the minced meat, professional chef Henrik Rehbinder is finally happy with Jussi’s performance, saying that now Jussi was really making a dinner and that he liked the fact that Jussi added a personal touch to the common dish, adding the spices.
The presenter hints at the recipes being on the website and explains that the guests are one their way to Rooster’s.
In the car, Gekko, Pentti and Johanna are having some cider. While toasting to Jussi, they remember to look each other in the eyes of course!
In the preview we see the guests arrive as well as their reaction to Jussi’s added spices.

After the break, the show continues with the arrival of Jussi’s guests who loudly knock at the door.]
Jussi: There’s knocking and beating!
[There’s a very loud hello and a welcome drink – not forgetting to look into each others‘ eyes while toasting, of course!
Then, finally, Jussi serves his starters.]

Gekko: The cheese platter was a great surprise!
Johanna: The cheese came as an extra, which is also an extra point for Jussi because I’m a cheese-freak. I could survive eating nothing but cheese!
Presenter: Why not, it’d be an interesting experiment! – So, there’s cheese and fruity salad as a starter!

[They’re eating]
Gekko: Was that your leg or the table’s? I think I kicked someone!
Pentti: It was not my leg.
[Johanna laughs about Pentti’s reaction and then suddenly realises how spicy the dressing is. While Pentti argues it’s not too bad, Johanna can’t even speak. Jussi is busy playing with his salad.]

Johanna: The dressings were great!
Presenter: Well that’s what you looked like.
Johanna: Now, the second one was incredibly hot.

[Gekko wants more cheese which surprises Johanna (because Gekko said he didn’t really eat anything), and then they talk about cold soups / punchbowls, but not with fruit, but with vegetables. Johanna says broccoli is much better when seasoned with alcohol and Gekko jokes that it’s probably the best way to eat children eat their veggies.]
Johanna: If I ever get children, Gekko will never be allowed to baby-sit them.
Jussi: Why not?
Gekko: Exactly because of what I just said!

Presenter: And this is exactly why we should move on to the main dish – macaroni casserole!
Gekko: Is there anything secret hidden in it?
Johanna: Is there a surprise?
Jussi: Well, there’s something about the spices…
Gekko: Soo?
Johanna: I said I wanted something special!
Gekko: But there isn’t anything like mushrooms or something?
Jussi: No mushrooms. The only things are the tomatoes up on top here, and then cheese, minced meat, onion and macaroni. And the spices.
Gekko: Me happy, me happy!
All [when dinner is served]: Yaay!

Presenter: Did Gekko like it, too?
Gekko: How do you make this heart with your fingers? Like this? The macaroni casserole was really heavenly – really heavenly! A true Finnish common meal, just … ah!
Presenter: Ah!
Johanna: Let’s say that without this…
Presenter: – parcel from the post office…
Johanna: …chilli-ketchup and so on it was a little flavourless.

Jussi: Here it reads „In some households too spicy“, but…
[Pentti tries the extra spice sauce but at first, nothing happens at all, he even says it isn’t much stronger than the one he tasted at first. Johanna tries it, too. After a moment -]
Pentti: Oho, it was more in the aftertaste… ooh, now it’s spicy!
[Jussi starts laughing, obviously familiar with the sensation. Pentti repeats over and over again how the taste really kicks in right now.]
Pentti: It doesn’t come right away like a punch; it only comes after a moment!
Johanna: How long does it take? Like, in minutes?
Pentti: It comes slowly, and then it’s there.
Jussi: If you eat some salad…
Pentti: It’s not too much!
Jussi: …the bread is still here!
Pentti: No, no, I really want to taste this.
Johanna: How long did it take? Like 5 minutes?
Pentti: Maybe two or three…
[They laugh, Johanna is obviously nervous.]
Johanna: I’ve got to wait now…

Gekko: Pentti is really some sort of masochist, he was all like „no, don’t give me bread, I want to enjoy this!“

[After that, „Teemu & Påjat“ arrive in order to play a song.]
Jussi: So, these are „Teemu ja Påjat“, they’re playing really calm music, I hope you enjoy it!
Presenter: Johanna, you were enchanted!
Johanna: Well, the old heart really opens up when seeing such young rocker-boys performing acoustically.

Presenter: Now what about dessert? It’s surely ready to be served?
[Jussi puts on a disposable glove and takes something out of the fridge.]
Presenter: Oh, dear god, what’s coming now? [Please note the inside joke here. During the 2011 ice hockey world championship, which Finland won against Sweden, the commentator used those iconic words during the game against Russia because one of the players made an incredible goal. The quote has turned into a trance-song of some sort and accompanied the festivities for the new world champions.]
Jussi: Those little pieces…
Presenter: Ah, those!
Henrik Rehbinder: Chocolate and chilli works really well together, but not like this! You have to add a small amount to chilli to the whole mousse, not those pieces on top!
Jussi: I don’t dare to put on more.

Presenter: It’s time for the dessert! Chilli mousse-au-chocolat!
Johanna: How did you make the mousse?
Jussi: Uhm, yah, I … took some milk and…
Johanna: …opened a bag…
Jussi [incapable of lying]: …opened a bag.
Pentti [laughs]: Ha, you so knew it!
Johanna: I so knew it!
Jussi: But then I added some alcohol.
Gekko: But it’s really, really good!
Johanna: I’m gonna put this bigger piece of chilli aside, okay?
Pentti: Usually you just mix chocolate and chilli like that…
Johanna: Don’t eat the bigger pieces, guys!
[Everyone is laughing about how hot the chilli is.]
Pentti: But it’s good that, if you put the bigger pieces, everyone can decide whether they want it or not!
Jussi: Either way, I didn’t just say so. I did add some alcohol for the taste.
Gekko: So we’ll just fall off our stools.
[Finally, Pentti also realises how spicy the chilli really is.]
Jussi: Was it too much?
Pentti: No, no, I just shouldn’t have … … it’s really good…
[Everyone is laughing because Pentti can’t even talk properly.]
Johanna: Drink more red wine?
Pentti: No, my glass is empty!
Johanna: Do you want bread?
Pentti: No, it’s fine!

Pentti: I just couldn’t put the chilli away, I simply had to try what it’s like… and then it was like I couldn’t speak for a moment!
Now everything’s great!

Presenter: It’s a great atmosphere and it’s been shown. It’s time to give the points – first of all for the food.
Pentti: The mousse, even though it was good, was instant mousse after all, s that’s a little thing… but I had such a good time eating and especially with those sauces, I definitely want the whole set of those!
Presenter: How much would you pay for it?
Pentti: I really always wanted exactly this… – so I’ll give 5 points for the food!
Johanna: It was a very common dinner, with the casserole and all, so I’ll give 4 points.
Gekko: For the cheese platter and especially the casserole I give … 4 points!
Presenter: Just four?
Gekko: Yes.
Presenter: Which is, altogether, 13 points for the food. And the atmosphere?
Johanna: It was a really easygoing, laid-back atmosphere with all those little blunders, and there was good music, so… 5 points for the atmosphere.
Pentti: If you think about grades from 1 – 6…
Presenter: Yes, that’s how it’s usually done…
Pentti: 5 is still really good!
Presenter: It is!
Gekko: Isn’t it a little hard?
Presenter: They’re in a different format.
Gekko: I give 3 points for the atmosphere.
Presenter: Whaat?
Gekko: Because even though everyone had fun, Jussi was a bit nervous and it showed all the time, so that stole a few points. So now it’s 3.
Presenter: That’s 26 points for Jussi altogether, and Johanna is still in the lead.
Tomorrows Dinner will be presented by stylist/hairstylist Gekko Paavilainen. There are going to be some exciting surprises!

Originally on: Nelonen Finland – Neljän Tähden Illallinen
Airing date: 13.09.2011

YleX Rokkipesä: Uniklubi

Rock-Nest: Uniklubi hide big secrets in their rehearsal place
Uniklubi rehearse in an old factory building in Tampere. In the rehearsal place there’s a mystic back box and atmospheric Christmas illuminations. Reporter Jenni-Maarit Koponen (J-M) met Uniklubi.
Watch the video HERE.

[Arriving at the building in which the rehearsal place is in, going inside. Guys currently playing Mitä Vittua, and first not looking at the camera. Jussi stops singing after „sä olet näiden katujen…“ half-singing „hei!“, and the guys stop playing]
J-M: Ciao! Hello!
Guys: Hei! Welcome!
Jussi: We’re in our rehearsal place in Tampere, Onkiniemi. And that’s how it looks.
Teemu: Yeah … that’s what it’s like. [Guys laughing, probably about the fact that it’s such a small place and the camera already captured the most important things when entering the room]

J-M: Over there you have a little storage-room?
Jussi: Yes, this is where we store all our equipment packed in boxes. And now that we’re here to rehearse we arrange ourselves in a way that everyone can see each other.
[takes out a drum] That’s actually a bongo which is from India.
J-M: Who brought this?
Jussi: I brought this. I didn’t even remember it was here, I just found it.
J-M: When have you been to India?
Jussi: We should add this to our set…. Uhm, three … four years ago when I was travelling around there.
J-M: Was it much played on?
Jussi: Yeah you get this percussion-kind of feeling. Pretty nice. Really cool that I found it again, I’ve got to take it somewhere else.

J-M: What about this writing on the wall, „X-MAS“?
Teemu: Well it’s Christmas.
Antti: From what I remember the X came from a band who was just here for drinking and playing Irwin [note: Irwin Goodman, a Finnish artist from the 70s] and they wrote „Las Palmas“ onto their guitar amplifier. The „MAS“ didn’t fit on the amp, so they wrote it on the wall, and somebody added the „X“ before it.
Teemu: Yah, that’s how it was.

Jussi [rummaging around in their stuff and finding holiday lights in the shape of billiard balls, the 8 of course]: Well! It’s going to be a really pretty rehearsal place now that we found the right decorations!
Teemu: We have Christmas-lights for f*cks sake!
J-M: Why are they not on the wall?
Jussi: That’s what I was wondering about.
Tuomas: Well, Christmas is over.
Teemu: Well but we have Christmas here every day so we can put them up.
Jussi: Which amplifier will we put them on?
J-M: Did you find a place for them?
Antti: Put it into a socket on the wall.
Janne [leaning over the amp to look for where to put the plug]: Is it on the other side?
Antti: Now there’s definitely going to be some fuse or something because we have so many things plugged in. There are probably some lights broken [light chain lights up] oh look!
[All the other lights switched off and a general „whooo“ going through the room]
J-M: Atmospheric lighting at its best!
[Tuomas playing the appropriate tune on the keyboards]
Janne: And now we’re playing…
Teemu: That’s how we always rehearse!
Antti: That’s how it is.

[Lights on again, Jussi rummages through some more stuff]
Jussi: yees… an umbrella…
J-M: Oh that’s really colourful!
Jussi [laughing, taking out a cap with two visors and space to put a drink in – and putting it on his head]: That’s a drinking system -cap for festivals.
J-M: Did you use this a lot?
Teemu [laughing]: Very useful in summer!
J-M: It even has two visors!
Jussi [having put the cap on top of the bongo]: Now that we started decorating…
Teemu [with the colourful umbrella on his head]: That’s meant for the Finnish summer. And if somebody is in a bad mood then he has to wear this so that everyone knows he has a rain cloud over his head.

[Now Teemu goes looking through there stuff, Tuomas continues playing on his keyboard and either Janne or Pasi are joining in as well.]
Teemu: This is a present bag.
J-M: From your fans?
Teemu: It’s a gift from fans, yes, from … 2009. Here we have a drinking game, a card game „nice questions and funny answers“ … as it looks we were perceived rather childishly. Look, here’s a Jackass card game
[note: not the TV show, the card deck where there’s one „jackass“ card you are not supposed to have in your hand at the end of the game. A literal translation would be „Black Peter“, Teemu says it in Swedish, Svarte Petter and shows that the box has a picture of Jussi, Kehä-era.]

[Camera is showing Jussi again]
Jussi: Look what we found here.
J-M: Oh! A secret box.
Jussi [opens the box and starts laughing, instantly holding the box closed]: Ah, dammit
Teemu: HEY!!! That IS a f*cking black box!
[Everyone laughing]
J-M: What’s in there?
[When she attempts to get the box, Antti shouts: „NO, don’t look inside there!“ and everyone is laughing]
Teemu: That’s some myth in there that needs to be preserved. [when she tries to open it, saying „hei, you have to show what’s in there“: ] No no no! [taking it away]
J-M: There are skulls on it.
Teemu: There are skulls on it exactly because the contents are hazardous.
J-M: You’re not gonna reveal what’s in there?
Teemu [earnestly]: This is where all the love letters go that we have sent each other over years.
Janne: And pictures.
Teemu: Oh yes, all the dubious pictures.
[everyone laughing]
Teemu: Well what’s in there … let’s see next time, maybe then we’ll reveal what’s in there.

[In the end, photos from the rehearsal place are shown why we hear the guys playing some melody until the video is over]

Originally on: YLE Finland
Uploaded to: yle.areena, 18.03.2011
Reference Link: http://areena.yle.fi/video/1300182710711
Video and questions by: Jenni-Maarit Koponen